Athletic Training / Medical Information

Athletic Training

Mayo Clinic

Athletic Training Services

  • Head Athletic Trainer:  Troy Hoehn, LAT, ATC.

  • Phone:  (507) 420-2804

  • E-mail:  Click Here

Athletic Training Room Hours

  • Fall/Winter/Spring:  2:30 – 5:30pm, or until all home events are completed.

  • Location: Room 706 (Located just inside of door S7, across from the boys locker room).

Event Coverage

Ensuring comprehensive coverage for all events throughout the athletic season is ideal, yet the scarcity of athletic trainers presents a challenge. To address this, we guarantee the presence of at least one athletic trainer on a typical event night in Waseca. Our head athletic trainer, working closely with the Athletic Director, will employ a risk analysis methodology to prioritize events for primary, secondary, or tertiary coverage. Additionally, an athletic trainer will remain on call within our school campus to swiftly respond to any serious injuries that may arise during regular athletic competitions.